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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just got back from Kornokopia last night, it was unreal. Five bands there, Instruction, Skindred, Breaking Benjamin, Chevelle, and Korn. Korn, Breaking Benjamin, and Chevelle were wild. I had floor tickets, and my city is on the border, so I was jumping around with about 500 drunk BIG mexican buddies (these moshers made Bertuzzi look like a creampuff). The show was amazing, quick set up after each band too. Have to say Korn and B.B. put up the best show, we got an encore afterwards too. Anyone else gone/going to this show? All comments welcome.


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Crap, I'll have to check and see if it's coming near here because B.B. came here a while ago and were good, plus I want to see Skindred live.

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Breaking Benjamin has been my favorite band for some time now, and i finally got to see them live in Denver w/ Skindred. The show was AMAZING. I had never heard of Skindred but I thought they were pretty good. Breaking Benjamin was just out of control. Ben Burnley (the lead singer) was wearing a stewie shirt from Family Guy so that was kind of funny, and when they played on the Kimmel show he wore a shirt that said "I can beat you at halo 2".

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I gotta say that Skindred wasn't what I thought they'd be. Sure I can ignore the fact that you can't understand a single word they say besides "Nobody gets out alive", it's still good rock. But the lead singer turned out to be a jerk. Just walked off stage after his last song, no "Thank you El Paso!" or "You guys were great!", he just walked on played his songs said that "we sucked'' a few times and "he expected more"and then walked off. He says this and the whole floor is moshing and jumping up and down? What did he want, a few girls trampled?

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BUZZ BAKESALE. It's a big show that the local radio station has every year, I go everytime. Korn, Skindred, The Used, and a whoooole bunch of others will be there, it will awesome. I love music festival kind of concerts. Briggy, I know you are in the area, you should go-- $20.

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Even though I'm not a rocker or anything. Last night before my practice the kornokopia concert was going on at the big World Arena and somehow some kids on my team snuck to where the buses were at and they saw Skindred out there and got their autographs and stuff. Me not knowing who they were ignored it all and then come to school finding out I could have got at least $5 for it on just a peice of paper.

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