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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Band Aid 20

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Has anyone heard the re-make of the 80's Band Aid tune "Do They Know It's Christmas". I just did, and it's horrible (IMHO).

I had a feeling it wouldn't live up to the original, but I didn't think it would be this bad. It lacks any of the emotion and feeling that the original had. Even the Bono line. He sings the same line in this version as in the original..."Tonight, thank God it's them instead of you...." That's weak too.

I was really hoping he would save the thing for me.

Anyone else have any thoughts?

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Yeah, not happy with remake - whats up with it? Well, for a start, if it has to call itself B.A 20 then it's drawing attention to the fact that it's been 20 years and they still have to do something like this....sad reflection on the world and therefore good marketing decision? I don't know - I just like the old one, it's got more feeling to it. People really thinking they could make a change, whereas this one is just to keep people's waning careers on the go.

Elle x

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Wow.. did that ever blow. I think contrived has a new definition. I guess it didn't help that I only knew about 2 people singing. It didn't help that they changed the whole melody in the "feed the world" part either.

I miss the bannanarama girls! ;)

As far as Bono goes, the original was much better, when he was still a young guy standing up for what he thought was right. You could hear and see the sincerity in both his voice and his character. Anymore he's as fake a "rockstar" as they get.

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