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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor x6.0 vs x5.0 skates

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Long story short, I'm in the market for a new pair of skates, and I'm wondering what the consensus is between both these models and if the 6.0's are worth the price jump.

Background/relevant info: Just graduated from college and playing in an adult league twice a week. I'm coming from a pair of Vapor XXX's that I've had since they first came out. Used to play juniors back in high school so I want a performance matched with value. I'm 5'8, 185lbs. What do you think?

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Both skates get good reviews, but I think the 6.0 is a little better built. If you look on hockeymonkey.com, there is only a $30 dollar difference. I hear that the 6.0 seems to fit and feel better than the 5.0. Since you're an experienced skater and skate 2x's a week, I'd probably go with the 6,0's.

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Looks like the difference is actually $130. It's $399/$499 usually in Canada. I'd prefer the 6.0 just for the liner. If you live in Canada Source for Sports stores has the "Shift" which takes the 5.0 and uses some of the features of the 6.0 as upgrades (liner, outsole, quarters I think) and prices it the same as the 5.0.

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Looks like the difference is actually $130. It's $399/$499 usually in Canada. I'd prefer the 6.0 just for the liner. If you live in Canada Source for Sports stores has the "Shift" which takes the 5.0 and uses some of the features of the 6.0 as upgrades (liner, outsole, quarters I think) and prices it the same as the 5.0.

Shifts are $20 more than the 5.0's, but that would probably be your best bet since they basically fall in between the 5.0 and 6.0.

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