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Milbury laughs at McGuire

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I don't like ether, Milbury is too attached to the old way (American version of Cherry minus the charisma) and is like a stubborn mule and McGuire sounds like he has no real knowledge of the game or any sense of what the hell is going on in front of him on ice. I'm glad McGuire left TSN because listening to him talk between the benches was like listening to an old man mutter verbal diarrhea for three periods (the man crush he had on Phaneuf in Calgary was creepy).

I turn the channel when Milbury is on Hockey Night in Canada, especially with PJ Stock around. They both should not be on the panels anymore. PJ Stock should go back to just capping games, sorry buddy.

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Much as I loathe P.J. Stock, I have to admit that MacLean and Hrudey (who has come along brilliantly in the last few years) are working like crazy to make him less annoying, and it's beginning to work.

If you want to be truly sickened, watch P.J. on CBC's 5-6pm ET 'Gameday' show with some simpering flirt called Andi Petrillo: without MacLean and Hrudey to keep him in line, and a with skirt fawning over his every word, he becomes a jackass of anatomical proportions.

Still, yes, we are blessed to have less McGuire up here.

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I wish like hell we could give him back. When the rules were to blame for Malkin's boarding of Boychuk I think McGuire jumped the shark.

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