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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Finding A Place and Time to play...

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So I started playing hockey again (after a 10 year lapse) at the beginning of college last fall and I am getting it back rather quickly. I would consider myself a C level player as I recovered what i learned as a youngster. The problem is I am having a hard time finding an appropriate place/league to play when I go home for a weekend or a league for the summer. I have tried pick-up hockey once while home but i would compare that game to a low "A" level game in which i felt way behind. I believe they tried to start a winter "C" league and they couldn't get enough players. I do believe the reason for this is the only teams that are from our area are high level travel teams so we don't produce enough mediocre players like myself. My question is what do I do because I am again addicted to the game and want to play? I can travel 90 miles to Peoria, IL to play in a C league once a week or go to pick-up hockey and feel not at home? Or should I contact the director of the Higher level teams at our rink and see if they would be willing to try harder to get a lower level league started? Any input would be greatly appreciated as I truly do not know what to do.

(O and BTW I am from just south of the Quad Cities on the Illinois side and our only rink is owned by the city of Davenport, IA)

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I would attend the pickup as much as possible, playing with better people will only make you better, and the comfort level should rise over time. If the 90 mile trip isn't too burdensome for you might as well do that too.

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Ok I'm no so much uncomfortable playing against the better people because they are all mainly my age I'm just worried that the other players don't want me to be there...I just don't wanna be "that guy"...

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