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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Two-piece Tackla pants?

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Are the 5000 series the only two piece pant in Tackla's line? I looked at their catalog and tried searching here, but couldn't find a definitive answer. Thanks in advance!

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For the Tackla pant, you want to go with an Eagle two piece. True Tackla pants are rare to find and for the most part are prodced in Thiland now. Eagle pants are the exact same pair as the old Tackla's and are produced in Canada by Vaughn. Ensure that the pants that you are trying to get have a small Canadian flag on them by the padded waist belt. If they don't have them, I personally wouldn't get them. I have had a pair of Eagle two piece pants (Canadian Vaughn made) for close to 2 1/2 yrs now and the only thing that is wrong with them is puck marks and very minor board burns. Asian Tackla's will not hold up, and will not always fit with a true Euro sizing.

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