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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick warranty question

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I broke my TotalOne over the weekend and created a claim online with Bauer. The stick was purchased on 3/2. I went to the post office yesterday but they were closed. My girlfriend was nice enough to mail it for me today. The problem is, she sent it with Parcel Post, which has an estimated time frame of 5-8 days. I'm worried that Bauer will deny my warranty claim if they receive it after 4/2. Does anyone know if the return shipping time counts towards the warranty period? Thanks.

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I never sent anything back to Bauer, per se... But most companies, (and I'd assume a good company like Bauer would act the same,) will look at the date you sent the package.

That date will be stamped on the package. So they'll see you sent it today, and if I had to bet, I'd say you'll be fine.

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I broke my TotalOne over the weekend and created a claim online with Bauer. The stick was purchased on 3/2. I went to the post office yesterday but they were closed. My girlfriend was nice enough to mail it for me today. The problem is, she sent it with Parcel Post, which has an estimated time frame of 5-8 days. I'm worried that Bauer will deny my warranty claim if they receive it after 4/2. Does anyone know if the return shipping time counts towards the warranty period? Thanks.

As long as you created the claim within the 30 day window and then sent it out within 14 days of creating the claim, you should be fine.

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