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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Gear wear and tear - Bauer shin guards

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Hi all, I am the relatively new player (about a year and a half) and play in a low-level rec league. I got a pair of Bauer x30 shin guards last year and for the most part, have loved them in the three seasons I have played (two winter, one summer). They protect me fairly well as this is a low-level league though the shot I took last night on my knee still kinda hurts this morning but oh well. That's not the question.

The calf guard is a plastic insert and is covered by a neoprene/nylon cover-like thing. I don't know what to call it but that's as close as i can get. I noticed over the weekend that the plastic is starting to push through the fabric and rip a hole in one side and it's is on the verge on the other side. Is this just SOP for shin guards or should they last longer than a 14 months. I play, on the average, about once a week, and have done maybe 30 "stick and pucks" or DH sessions (as they are called here) in that time frame. I store the guards outside in the garage and put them in the pants when I carry them in my bag.

Am I being silly or should they last longer than that. Again, I am relatively new so this is all Greek to me at times. Thanks in advance.

Andy in Peoria

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