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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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roller hockey drills?

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i'm the captain of my roller hockey team... and we are going to be running a few practices and tryouts, and stuff like that... but each member of the captain squad has to run their own sessions... so just wondering, do you guys have any? I've got a bunch of breakout drills.. but other than that i'm stumped...

any help would be appreciated... thanks!!1

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I have some ice drills... variations of some drills you might of seen online,

What I've noticed is that players don't take a look before their shot. They shoot and completely miss the net. Line your players up in two lines at the hash marks. Have two passers on the goal line. The passer on the right passes to the line on the left and vice versa. Keep letting the players shoot until one player misses the net. The player who missed the net has to drop and do 10 pushups while the rest of the players in their line skate forward (towards the goal line), touch the boards, go to the blueline and back. The last player to get back does 5 pushups. Keep going when everyone is back in line. Catch players that cheat and make them skate laps. Not sure if this drill is going to be good for your level.

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What skills are you players most lacking?

Try to create drills that put those skills in a "real game" situation. Coupled with constant cardio intervals between drills. Break outs are good but not unless you really need them.

PM to me? the specific skills you are looking to build and I'll bet I have the right drill for you

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