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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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black hills tj

Warrior Dolo Shaft

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There are a few caveats though; you could if you flipped it or if you cut it high enough but it will not perform at anywhere near the same level.

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There are a few caveats though; you could if you flipped it or if you cut it high enough but it will not perform at anywhere near the same level.

I have a broken S19 shaft as well that I could flip, but I can't imagine trying to use a stick with a taper coming up towards the top of the stick. Thanks.

The dolo shaft is cut to 45"

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if you flip it, which i dont recomend, a standard blade will fit.

a tapered blade will fit into the broken end once you cut it clean and possible heat and pull out any remaining tenon. if it broke above the tenon of the ops blade and the blade is still good, you can also heat and pull the blade and reuse the blade. done both of these many times.

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