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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

G-Form Compression Shirt and Crash Shorts

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A few months back, one of our members came in our chat room and asked me if I knew about a shirt he saw Tim Thomas wear during the All-Star Game. He had a screen grab of it, while Thomas was in the locker room. It looked familiar and so I decided to send G-Form an email to see if it was their design.

Turns out it was, and then I was told about the underapparel they were planning on unveiling.

If you aren't aware of G-Form and what they do, well, they are in the extreme protection business. Using their blend of their proprietary technology along with PoronXRD (which is also used by Bauer in the 9900 and RE-AKT helmets) they make a wide range of product from iPhone and iPad cases to skateboard knee pads to lace bite pads (which we LTR'd for them earlier last year.)

The concept behind the shirt and short is to add an additional layer of protection; on the shirt, it is in the sternum, shoulders and ribs. On the short, thighs, hip and tailbone.






Shirt and short are very light and the padding moves well. Short does not have a cup pouch. Just received it today - will report back after first use.

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First use was on Tuesday -

The shirt doesn't necessarily fit as tight as I would've figured by the name - which isn't a bad thing - a lot of us don't look good in compression.

Everything was in place for the most part - the shoulder pads tended to shift back behind the shoulder - but then I remedied that but tucking in my shirt into my bottoms. (note, I am not using the shorts yet; wrong size.)

As noted, I was using the Shock Doctor concept for some time, and one of the issues with their rib area padding was that it was larger and as you skated, you could feel it bending/buckling during certain movement - not so much with this shirt. Very good in that aspect.

Felt light the entire time, good moisture wicking.

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I've used the product 3 times since the first use - it's just been a crazy time here at MSH (more on that later) so I haven't been able to keep up on my reviews.

Really liking the shirt - it is something that you just don't notice, which is a very good thing.

I've washed it 4 times - no signs of any separation, frayed edges, anything.

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