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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mallet finger

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So, evidently I've got an injury called "Mallet finger," which basically means I can't raise the very tip of my (ring) finger. Happened just running around in the back yard with my son. I put my hand on the ground to stablize myself. It felt like a very, very mild jammed finger, the kind you've had a hundred times.

Except that I glanced at my hand, and my finger tip was pointing down at 45 degrees. I can't straighten out that last joint, unless I use my other hand. Again, no pain.

Anyway, the treatment is to simply splint those last two segments of the finger straight. (i.e. http://www.amazon.com/Mallet-Finger-Splint-Size-Circumference/dp/B000QJ858E) Then just go about your next 6-8 weeks, and they often heal. The most important thing is to never ever let that last joint bend down during those six weeks, even for a second.

So I plan to keep playing during that time. The splint is solid, and I might even double it up some how to be extra sure. The hockey gloves I'd wear (PPFs or X60 pros) don't have a break at that joint anyway. The PPFs plastic insert runs right along the splint.

I tried gripping a stick and it really wasn't much different. Remember that the splint lets me bend at the middle knuckle.

Anyone have any experience playing with this? I'd have to image the injury can arise out of hockey, though maybe not with modern gloves. Maybe I should tell people it happened during a game.

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I did that to one of my fingers playing basketball in high school and it was never right again. It still makes it difficult at times when I play guitar.

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Happened to me playing hockey. Went to winter fest with my splint. My finger still isn't right. I wear my splint when I play, and don't notice it. I'm like 6 months out from the injury now? When my splint is loose, my finger hurts like shit, I'm still working up to playing g with it.

I've been out of my split full time since February.

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Hmm, seems like that could be my path as well. I've done a couple skate and shoots with it. Doesn't really bother my grip too much.

I'm still trying to find the best splint situation. This one pokes the gusset on the fingertip out a bit. Games next week.

I can see how it would be tough on a guitar.

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Hmm, seems like that could be my path as well. I've done a couple skate and shoots with it. Doesn't really bother my grip too much.

I'm still trying to find the best splint situation. This one pokes the gusset on the fingertip out a bit. Games next week.

I can see how it would be tough on a guitar.

yeah, i had two splints... and only one felt comfortable playing hockey. that said i never noticed the splint being there unless it started to slip. get some good tape.

That said, i played a game last week with out it, and i felt good. i'll keep it in my bag if my finger starts feeling sore during a game....

Good luck.

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