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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM boot fit (u+ line)

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So i am buying new skates, and got a pair of CCM U+10, however i read some information that conflicted and i would like some help clearing it up.

I am coming from CCM V08 skates (bought them in 2008, with original rocket runners) and was told that the CCM U+line is the same boot fit by my LHS, but read somewhere that they changed the fit AFTER the vector skates (my CCM V08 say vector so i am assuming they are part of that line) and that Reebok line is actually the old vector fit. I want the same fit in my V08 skates in the new pair, with a little more stiffness and performance. What information is right???

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i have tried on the u10s, they seem good, but this is all pre-bake and the boot is a lot stiffer by design. I would go try on the reeboks, but if i could save the trip to the LHS, and not waste the floor associates time, itd be ideal.

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Well don't worry about wasting there time because it's there job. It is important you get a skate that fits. Another suggestion is don't be close minded when trying on skates, try on everything in your price range. By doing this you might be surprised to find that a skate that you weren't even considering might fit alot better than what you thought you'd want.

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i have given the same advice to others in the past, but the difference is, i know the fit i want. I figured this would be an easy enough question to answer, and i already have the U10s, i just want to make sure that once i get these baked, its the same boot fit as my previous pair. Normally i do buy in store, however they did not have my size in the u10s at any of the peranis stores in my area, or online, and i was told they would be out until september, so i got them online.

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