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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer one80 vs one100, coming from one90

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Hello and I apologize in advance if this is repetitive, I didn't see a "search" feature.

I have been using Bauer one90 skates for the past 4 years, they are quite ready for replacement.

Went to the LHS (Great Skate). Not a fan as their high employee turnover rate doesn't yield knowledgeable salespersons, their knowledge doesn't span more than one season and they are typically young kids. But Mr Orpik will not open any other Bauer accounts locally, so that's the way it is.

I tried on a pair of one.9's and loved them. Fit great, felt great.

I was told last year's one100's are pretty much the same thing. I am trying to find a new-old-stock pair of one100's somewhere in a size 8 but not having the best luck (I've seen them on HM but they're a bit more pricey then I've seen them elsewhere). I would like to get them under the $400 range if possible.

I saw the one80's and liked the price better, however I'm curious how the skates compare?

Thanks in advance for any information

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The one80 is basically the same as your one90's. The one100 (& one.9's) are similar to the one95 skate. IIRC, the one80 does fit a little bit different than the rest of the lineup. . . more like the bauer one90's that you already wear.

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