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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate pain help!

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Hey, I know there are countless threads on skate pain but I could not find one similar to my problem. I have circled the problem area and specifically it is the top of the bone. This problem only occurs on the right skate and I'm using Bauer APX with the stock footbeds at the moment and am using long dress socks. The pain occurs at the beginning of a skate but I feel that it goes away near the end but it is sore the next morning. Any help would be greatly appreciated MSH!


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Assuming your length is ok, have you had the pain from when you first purchased the boots? When you take your skates off is there any redness around the area as though something has been pressing into the skin?

I had an issue like this with my Rbk ice skates, after about 6 months I started getting really bad pain in the same location but at the side of the foot. Finally worked out that the padding inside the boot had compressed and the top of a stud? in the boot was now pressing against my foot. I've cured it by taping a cotton wool pad over the area before a skate but will need to find a better long term solution.

Alternatively does your foot have a lump in that area, it could be a bone spur. Or it could be a tendon under pressure because of the fit of the boot and getting your boot punched out just in that area could solve the problem.

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I have the same problem sometimes with my X4.0, but usually came out after an hour of skate..

I suppose is my foot that have to get used to pressure more there (using the inside edge to stop, i do not use right foot that much to stop).. I get pain when i work a lot on that.

Right now the solution has been leave a bit more room for that area while lacing, but i might consider a bit of punching out aswell..

Obviously the problem goes away after i take off skates and stay with normal shoes for a bit, but when happens is annoying.

Hope someone have some hints on it :)

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I have the same skate with same pain... I had them punch the area out and now no pain on either skate worked perfect. They punched up to right before the toe cap. Before that I put some small foam padding in my sock which helped the pain but was annoying.

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Did they punch basically where the eyelets are? Because I feel that its a combination of the tongue and eyelets area thats causing this pain.

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I think that flyweightphantom was pointing to the side of the skate, right where it merge with the toecap.

I'm considering that too, just have to find a place that do that well in Milan.

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Wih all the technology available in this day and age, you should never ever have to endure any discomfort in your skate.

Ensure you have proper sizing and fit, heat molded at the time of purchase, proper insoles and finally boot stretching or punching to remove any pressure points within the boot cavity.

The worst thing you can do is to leave your skate loose as it allows your foot to move within the boot cavity while skating, which can change the dynamics of your game. ie: swooping turns for directional changes rather than stops and starts.

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