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Shin Pad Advice

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I'm currently using one90 shin pads and I like everything about them including the profile and fit but a few times of fallen on my knee and the protection there is absolutely terrible. As mentioned in the long term review of them by another member, the cut out in the knee cap area has an exposed gel honeycomb pattern which does very little to cushion hard impacts. I took a spill in to the boards yesterday which really wasn't that hard and my knee is bothering me today so I think it's times to change them. Can anyone recommend a shin pad that has a slimmer profile and good protection please? I was looking at the RS but couldn't find any reviews on them other than JR mentioning in the catalogue thread that the cap seemed hard and may react badly to a wet sock. Any advice regarding the RS or another shin pad would be appreciated, thanks guys.

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I wear Vapor X40's and have to say i haven't felt a thing in them. They aren't as low profile as the RS, but probably lower profile than almost everything else. I checked out the RS today and it looks like a nice pad. Very low profile and alot of protection.

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The one90 shin pads are brutal. They're the reason that I've spent the last 6 months unable to kneel on my right knee after damage to my patellar tendon during a small fall while wearing these things. Never touching Bauer shin pads again, sorry Bauer.

I decided on RBK 11k and RBK 9k (two pairs - depending what level I play at). The 9k are slightly slimmer, but still tanks. The protection all around in the RBK line is awesome. No complaints aside from not really liking their fastening/strapping system.

I was checking out the CCM CL shin pads last week. They seem to be using the same type of material in the knee area as RBK (it reminds me a bit of firm memory foam). The pads are indeed crazy light, and I'd be interested in trying them out on-ice. They are also much slimmer than the RBK and have a better (IMO) fastening/strapping system. I won't put any sort of recommendation on them, as my only concern would be blocking shots with them - need to test their durability in that area before commenting further. Might be something for you to try on.

Hope your knee injury heals much faster than mine...

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+1 on Reebok. i just upgraded to the 11k's because they seem to be the most protective of all the shin guards I saw. Definitely not slim, but they do have an enormous amount of padding.

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