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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS Redlite CS2

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Hey guys, anyone have any experience with the above mentioned shaft?

The only info I can find is that the shaft is a tank, and it weighs 285g in Sr length. Anyone can provide me with information about the feel, recommendations with blades to use etc?

Apparently it's a 2007 model? Is that right? I thought it was an older model.

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The CS2 was around for a long time, the graphics will help narrow down it's age. It was roughly equivalent to an Easton ultralight at the time.

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I have a TPS Redlite Control (Grip) shaft from around 2004 I believe, and I still use it for roller hockey. It is one of my favorite sticks and I can attest to it being a tank. I tried to find a picture online, but any picture with the graphic my stick has is way too small.

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It is reddish-brown. When does that date it to?

Also, how does it compare to the Redlite XN10?

Depends on the graphics. The XN10 was lighter and had a much better kick, but was also less durable.

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