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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer 4500+Bauer 920 Combo Installation Problem

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My old setup was a Rbk 5k helmet and Rbk 5k cage.

Recently I bought a 4500 size large, and bauer 920 visor/cage combo protector size medium. (i used a size L helmet and size M cage in the old set up.)

Any way, I had never installed a visor on a helmet before, and with the hardware bauer sent with the 920 combo shield, I had no idea what to do...

I ended up with the configuration you can see in the photo. The clip attaching the visor to the helmet is rather thick, and the short screws that were originally on the helmet, and that came with the visor, are not long enough to go through the entire clip.

I ended up placing a screw thru the clip into the helmet, and putting a screw into a spacer in the "fat" part of the clip.

Anyway, do I just need longer screws? Or am I missing something......thanks! And also, the instructions were worthless.


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No...you have the clips on the wrong way. See how you have the clips facing down? They actually need to be turned around and up - so the top of the clip will be almost around the "Bauer" text on the front of the helmet. The flat part of the clip will be the side that touches the helmet.

So, simply unscrew them, flip them down and raise the shield. It is a bit weird because you will have to put the screwdriver in the vent hole of the shield.

The hardware they gave you is plenty long. You should have two longer screws that will work just fine.

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No...you have the clips on the wrong way. See how you have the clips facing down? They actually need to be turned around and up - so the top of the clip will be almost around the "Bauer" text on the front of the helmet. The flat part of the clip will be the side that touches the helmet.

So, simply unscrew them, flip them down and raise the shield. It is a bit weird because you will have to put the screwdriver in the vent hole of the shield.

The hardware they gave you is plenty long. You should have two longer screws that will work just fine.

I received two types of screws with the shield. One type is used to connect the straps of the shield the the back of the helmet, and the other type is too short to be used in the clips, unless I am supposed to put the screw in the middle of the clip like in the picture.



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They shorted you screws then. Was it brand new? Willing to bet that if bought from a store and it was out on the floor, they probably took them off and put them on a customer's helmet...

The second picture is how it's supposed to go on.

I'd call them to ask for them. If you can't get longer screws from a local hockey store, take one of the anchors to a hardware store and see if you can find something similar. You won't find the right length one in individual hockey helmet repair kits.

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