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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ice or roller adult rec league in London, UK

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Moving from Calgary, AB to London, UK next month. I found the EIHA but not sure if that is what I should be looking at. Seems like teams need try outs and such. This is my 4th year of ice so looking for something between novice and intermediate. If someone could point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated. I wouldn't mind dropping in for some pick up as well. Thanks.

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Yeah that's where my search ended up. Not really what I was looking for. Can't go from 3 days of hockey a week to none!

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I'm in Wimbledon. No car but I'm willing to travel just to get on some ice!

There are Stick and Puck sessions in Basingstoke,

and rec teams in Basingstoke, Bracknell, Slough and Guildford.

Good luck!

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Thanks greyskull. I've heard about the Basingstoke stick n puck and Bracknell but never came across Slough and Guildford. Do you know any other stick n puck sessions?

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Thanks greyskull. I've heard about the Basingstoke stick n puck and Bracknell but never came across Slough and Guildford. Do you know any other stick n puck sessions?

That's the only one that is totally informal as far as I know, Bracknell's 2 or 3 teams and Sloughs teams require you to get in touch with the coaches etc before hand, Guildford Especially so.

Here's all the rec teams sites.








For other areas check out


All the best


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