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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Altering a shell; making it snugger

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Picked up an XL pro-stock Commodore Red Wings shell (actually pant lowers but I removed the padding to convert it to a shell). I grabbed it because I wanted the +1 1/2" length. It goes over the girdle fine but the width of the legs is giant-I'm swimming in it. I was hoping to take it in about 2" just in the legs but wasn't sure if this would ruin the shell. Wondering if anyone had done this or had any suggestions. A regular tailor? Or a specialized operation. Help would be appreciated.( Commodore must have massive thighs)

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-Remove the stretch gusset?

-fold a section of the shell inwards and stitch that together, preferably alongside the inner thigh.

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Picked up an XL pro-stock Commodore Red Wings shell (actually pant lowers but I removed the padding to convert it to a shell). I grabbed it because I wanted the +1 1/2" length. It goes over the girdle fine but the width of the legs is giant-I'm swimming in it. I was hoping to take it in about 2" just in the legs but wasn't sure if this would ruin the shell. Wondering if anyone had done this or had any suggestions. A regular tailor? Or a specialized operation. Help would be appreciated.( Commodore must have massive thighs)

Hi, just wondering how you removed the padding from the lowers to make it a shell; did you use an xacto knife or scissors to cut the pads out or did you have to cut the seams? How did it look when you were finished? I would like to convert a pair of lowers I have into a shell too but I am hesitant. Thanks!

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Hi, just wondering how you removed the padding from the lowers to make it a shell; did you use an xacto knife or scissors to cut the pads out or did you have to cut the seams? How did it look when you were finished? I would like to convert a pair of lowers I have into a shell too but I am hesitant. Thanks!

The pads are inside the leg of the pant with a slit in the inside of the pant leg that allows for the removal of the pads without any cutting. I'm guessing this is so the leg can have custom embroidery done easily if possible. I didn't bother with the alteration in the end since it would likely screw up the fit too much. I know what you are getting at-I didn't alter the lowers.

I should add that I have a pair of JOFA lowers that don't have the ability to remove the hard pads so I guess it depends on manufacturer

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How do you remove padding without tearing apart the pants to the point where they're unusable? Does it mean ripping open a hole and tearing out the padding and then sewing it back up?

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How do you remove padding without tearing apart the pants to the point where they're unusable? Does it mean ripping open a hole and tearing out the padding and then sewing it back up?

The pants are designed so that the pads can be removed. There is an overlapping slit on the inside of each leg-it is sort of the same concept as some girdles I have seen that allow the pads to be removed so the fabric can be washed. I have two pairs of lowers that are like this and one that is not so it depends on the make I guess.

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