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Reebok 9K vs 11K Elbow Pads

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I'm in the market for new some new elbow pads. I've been using some old Sher-wood 5030s for years and they are pretty worn out. I blew a tire about a month ago and fell hard on my right elbow. It was like I wasn't wearing a pad at all. The elbow still hurts. I'm getting older and I'd like better protection from falls. I'm considering the 9k and 11K. I like the strapping systems on both pads. For anyone that's worn both, is there any advantage to getting one over the other? Does the fit change? Does one offer better protection against falls? I see that both offer the jdp bumper cap. Aside from the zig fibers and the different bicep cap shape on the 11K, are there any other differences?


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Besides what you mentioned, the quality/thickness of the foams will be better with the 11k. Other than that they are pretty close. If you value maximum protection over mobility/weight, then the 11k will be what you are looking for. If you value protection but are still concerned about mobility/weight, go with the 9k.

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Besides what you mentioned, the quality/thickness of the foams will be better with the 11k. Other than that they are pretty close. If you value maximum protection over mobility/weight, then the 11k will be what you are looking for. If you value protection but are still concerned about mobility/weight, go with the 9k.

That's the kind of feedback I was looking for. Are the 9Ks that much lighter and more mobile?

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I mean it isn't going to be a huge difference, but you'll be able to tell. You can't really go wrong with either one, as they both are great with regards to protection. The 9k's are just a little more streamlined, where the 11k's are a bit bulkier.

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I was trying to decide between the 9K and 11K, when I tried both on the difference in bulk wasn't an issue for me, so I went for the 11K for more protection. I'm sure the 9K protects well too, but I have taken some hard falls and really haven't felt a thing with the 11K's. The mobility has been good too. Very satisfied with the 11K's.

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