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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tightening Torque of runner bolt

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Hey guys,

Does anyone have any idea or is able to find out the idea torque limit for the "lolliepop" bolts which hold the runner onto the boot? I dont want to over tighten and have them break.

Specifically bauer total one skates


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It's a nut, just tighten it until it's snug. Check it every so often and re-tighten it as necessary.

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If you're just curious, why don't you go buy the supplies you'd need, and experiment and report your findings?

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It just needs to be snug enough to not move when if you pull on it, and also so they don't click when you walk. There's more danger in over tightening it. You can bow the holder/runner, or if you really overdo it, you can rip the nut/bolt through the plastic holder.

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maybe I will Wex :D

I just thought someone on here might know since they collective seems to know everything else,

I understand how to do it, i have done it several times

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