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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skating Posture

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Most of my new JV players usually don't learn to stop until the season starts and they basically learn to out of necessity.

Stopping, rotate the hips and it's mostly the toes. Turning's usually on the heels.

For backwards skating, it's C-cuts, just make C's with your strides. Mostly toes when starting, but that's the same for forwards. For backwards crossovers, practice circles. Or go backwards the length of the ice and try to take 3 steps to the left or 3 to the right. It'll be awkward and uncomfortable but work on stepping over.

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Here are a few tips that we give the kids in the weekly clinics.

1. Maintain a good squat throughout your entire time on the ice. (Don't hunch over)

2. Feel like your sucking in your abs ( This will help keep your back straight)

3. Extend your leg as far as it will go, then flick your toe like your trying to kick your skate off

4. Return your foot directly back under your body without picking it more than a couple of inches off the ice

There is a great iPhone app out there called hockey skills pro that breaks down the stride as well as stickhandling and shooting. Its like 10$. It might be worth looking in to.

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