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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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League Full - Calgary, AB, Inner City Men's Rec League looking for teams for 2012-2013

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League Full

Hello all,

I'm posting this for a friend that runs a small men's Rec hockey league in West Hillhurst (www.cnchl.ca). This is a small 10 team league looking to fill the 10th spot for the upcoming 2012-2013 season.

- All games are at the West Hillhurst Arena (1940 6th Ave. NW) in the Calgary Non-Contact Hockey League (CNCHL)

- Games are 1-1/4 hours long (3 stop time periods, 15, 15, & 13 minutes, but last period can get cut short if the game is running long), non-contact (slap shots allowed), you must have full gear. The games have 2 ref's and a score keeper.

- Games are on one night a weekend, either Friday night (8:45pm or 10:15pm) or Saturday night (8:15pm, 9:45pm, or 11:15pm).

- The season is 28 games long including playoffs (with 2 weeks off over Christmas). The season starts the weekend of Sept. 7th & 8th 2012, and wraps up the weekend of Mar. 29th & 30th 2013

- The league price is $7500 for the season, one of the cheapest men's leagues in the city!

If you are interested or have more questions please send me a PM and I will put you in touch the the guy (Todd) that runs the league. I also run a team that plays in the league so can answer questions about the league also.



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The league exhibition games start the weekend of Sept. 7 & 8th

Still looking for 1 more team if there is a Calgary Team looking for a fun league with a great location and and even better price!

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