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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok 11K NCAA Pro Return Hockey Skates (9EE)

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Selling my RBK 11K skates. I bought these thinking that a wider skate would be good for me, but I'm finding my 8K 9E skates to be like slippers now, and don't see these improving enough to bother with the painful breaking in process.

The original eBay description:

These new, unworn, and unsharpened pair of Authentic Reebok 11k Pump Sr. NCAA Pro Return Hockey Skates (Size9EE)* --- have been stored in a climate controlled, immaculate, smoke-free environment since the beginning of ownership. These mint condition, professional specification skates, contain upgraded build properties not found in the retail model version of the Reebok 11k Pump skate.

*These skates were purchased at the University of Michigan's Yost Arena Annual Hockey Garage Sale in Ann Arbor, MI, and bear a label at the bottom of the soleplate of each skate which reads "9EE-LR" indicating skate size. All OEM specs intact, with Pump inflation/deflation in perfect working order. Reebok E-Pro holder size 280.

The RED TEXT above is no longer the case. They have been sharpened, and worn for one game.







I paid $299+shipping for these originally. A pair of RBK 11K skates go for about $360.

Knowing that these have been sharpened and worn once, I understand their value has dropped. So I'm looking for $250+shipping within the US only.

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