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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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mission question

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I used the search mode and didn't see the answers to my questions there, sorry if its a redundant topic and I was incompetent in the search.

I'm looking to buy new skates immediately, I've been waiting for the mission t7 and t8's to come down in price. They have and I'm gonna buy a pair as I've always had reasonable success with mission. I was a pretty competitive player, always played in the top leagues in town and played some of the big tournaments and travel leagues when I was younger. I'm not trying to brag just saying I'm not really an novice/intermediate player. I'm a big guy, 6'4" and fluctuate between 210-230 depending on beer intake.

Is there notable difference between these two skates? Money as always is an issue and if I thought the T7's weren't a big step down I'd go that way, but I've always gone with the skate that was just a step down from the top - to me that's the T8. Like the concept of getting a hundred or more off for a skate that was still very good.

Also the last pair of missions I bought were HE's. Is the sizing similar since then? Buying without trying always makes me twitchy, and I don't think anyone carries these locally.

Just looking for general advice, anything helps. Thanks!

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Hello SIFL-

For your skill, ability and size, I think the T.8 would be a better fit for you than the T.7. In addition to confirm your point, the T.8 is the second skate down in the line, from the T.9. The T.8 has an upgraded wheel, upgraded tongue, Indy foam pads, upgraded liner and tech nylon on the quarter package. There will be more stiffness and durability to the T.8 over the T.7 skate.

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Sizing is now totally different. Bauer purchased Mission and immediately switched the sizing to what everyone else generally uses. So if you were in size 11 HE, you would now be in a size 10 T8, or there abouts.

Other than visiting an LHS and trying a lower spec boot made by the manufacturer (eg T6's), next best thing is if you measure your foot (heel against the wall, mark the longest toe then measure) and post your foot length. Someone will be able to give you guidance as to size based on your foot length. As you have skated a lot I gather you know how to size your foot for length and volume, aka the pencil test.

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