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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I need some advice from those whom have been involved in building; or healthy knowledge of a strong hockey program.

Here is our back story, we are a novice rep C team centre (not AAA by any stretch) and we are having a issue with the budget between us and the new coaching staff. At the begining of our first tryout we were handed a sheet saying that on top of the $700+ we have already paid, we are now responsible to fundraise between $10,000 - $12,500 (as a team) extra dollars for the team budget this year, bringing the total that each player is responsible for about $1800+ to play for this team.

Now the team has been selected, and we are only taking 11 players for this rep team (not as a choice but as a neessity as there are minimal registrations of children in our hockey area)... and alot of the other parents of the other children; as well as myself, seem to have a real issue with the amount asked for. The coaches defensive response is "we wanted change" and believe that chartering busses and having emergency team slush funds is the key to change.

My position is that change happens from the ice surface out. Showing up in a charter bus will not make my child love the game more; and does nothing to develop him as a hockey player. I am asking for help in a way to try and explain what programs that excel do and how we may try to incorpoate those changes to help build the organization from the ice first.

Any help and information would be greatly appreciated.

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I would go with one of two different ways with this, but I would actually start working on both immediately.

1. Find other coaches

2. Gather a group of the parents together and pull the kids out if the coaches don't pare back the expenses

You can make whatever points to them that you want, but without having one of those "hammers" to follow through if they refuse to change their plans, you're unlikely to be successful. If you have an itemized list of where the funds are supposed to go, get your group together and start removing items line by line before presenting the list of changes to the coaches/organization. Be prepared for a fight and hope you don't have one.

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Thanks Chadd

That is what makes this decision hard, is that the 9 of the 11 kids have been playing together now for four years ; and we really like all of them, but it seems that now that they have taken control of this team theyre drawing a line in the sand and seperating parents and coaches, as opposed to a more democratic approach.

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Here on L.I. 1800 would be considered very cheap. Out cheapest travel programs run about 5K. Our ice costs are insane.

That being said, the real issue is who is running your organization. Most have a board of directors - I was on mine. The board runs the non profit organization and makes decisions and sets fees. The board is made up of parents with players in the program. There are usually by laws and a constitution that govern this. You need to discuss this with your board.

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