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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Lost gear NYC

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Through my own stupidity, I lost my gear last night. Left it in a cab. Started a file with 311, will call the cab offices tomorrow, but just throwing this out there now in case anyone sees it. I know this is a long shot, but any help is appreciated.

All gear is wht/wht/red BU colors, shows a fair amount of use.

Pictures by BKLYNNetminder - Photobucket

Bag: Big black Brian's vinyl. The straps are knotted to make them shorter

Pads: Brian's focus, heavily modified leg channel, embroidered R. Lopez on the outer roll

Chest: Brown 2300, modified elbows (replaced with RBK forward elbow pads laced in) and back plate, custom colors embroidered R Lopez on the arm

Pants: Brown 2000, basically stock except for sizing and the arm pad from a Reebok P2 chestie laced into the front

Gloves: Stock RBK P2 blocker, stock Sherwood T100, vintage graphics.

Neck Guard: Maltese combo, attempted (and failed) to remove the company logo for aesthetics, but there are still signs of the seam ripper. Embroidered R. Lopez.

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