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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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LH P89 Bauer Pro Stock tapered blade

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As the title indicates, I have a Pro Stock Bauer p89 LH tapered blade that I'd like to trade. It's new but has some superficial scratches from storage/being moved around. I rechecked the blade it hasn't been inserted in a shaft. A little paint on the back has flaked off (see pics). These blades are amazing, I'm currently using them (in other curves) in my 2 piece setups.

Links to pics of the p89 blade on Photobucket




I'd like to trade it straight up for another top end blade in a pattern with a bigger curve. I'd strongly prefer to trade with another member from the US to keep shipping costs down.

A standard p106 blade would be ideal. p92, p88, or Kovalchuk blades might also be of interest. I'd also consider some shafts (no cut OPS) if they're 85+ flex, in very good or better shape and at least 48" I'm pretty fussy about what I'm looking for. I'd also be interested in Step Steel for size 280 CCM/RBK holders. A little cash could go either way in the transaction, depending on what's on the table.


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