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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor X7.0 LE issue

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Need a little help with a pair of new Vapor X7.0 LE that i just got. issue is with the left skate, the tower on the heel feel rotated out of position. When doing counterclockwise crossovers, the skate bottoms out quickly on the outside of the boot. I've taken them back to the retailer, they put on new steel and re-riveted the holder back on. Skated in a game last Thursday and it felt about 50% better, didnt bottom out as quickly but I can still feel the off center position, including muscle soreness. I've had Vapor XX, and One80 as my last two skates. I've contacted Bauer directly, waiting to hear back (sent note late Friday). These are pretty high end skates and anything less than perfect I feel deserves remedy. Right skate feels perfect. Any guidance in the mean time?

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The holder might be improperly mounted or aligned on the boot causing you to fall out if you aren't directly over the blade.

Could also be a bio-mechanical issue. Can only guess without seeing pictures of the boot.

Did the LHS replace the steel because it was bent?

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