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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Help with skate problem

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Hi Guys,

Just after a little advice regarding new skates. I have been a long time reader of the board and just decided to join up for a little advice. I am travelling to Vegas from the UK next week and really need new skates. I have problems when it comes to skate fit and living in the UK dont have the luxury of trying skates on at my LHS. The skates i am currently using are Bauer one95 and i am interested in Bauer one.9 skates but would like to try them on before i buy. Will the one.9 skates fit pretty much the same as one95 skates? Also please could anyone tell me if the Las Vegas ice centre stocks high end equiptment or is it worth ordering online to the hotel? Not to bothered about paying a little more as we have to in the UK anyway. Thanks for any advice in advance.

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The fit should be pretty much the same, you can call the shop once you get in town to see what they have before you head over. Las Vegas Ice Center has some top level gear, but I don't recall which brands. It is only about 5 minutes down the road from the Rio. I usually do rental cars in Vegas, they're dirt cheap. If you see a big French Canadian guy there with a thick accent, tell Dom I said hello.

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The fit should be pretty much the same, you can call the shop once you get in town to see what they have before you head over. Las Vegas Ice Center has some top level gear, but I don't recall which brands. It is only about 5 minutes down the road from the Rio. I usually do rental cars in Vegas, they're dirt cheap. If you see a big French Canadian guy there with a thick accent, tell Dom I said hello.

It's been awhile since I've been to that rink, I don't think Dom's there anymore. He was a good guy to deal with and a hell of a skating instructor.

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