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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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nova hands

Glove Color Problem

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Hey guys!

I have a problem with my gloves.

I own a pair of pre-Vaughn Eagle X70's that are red w/ white cuff.

The issue that I'm running into is that there is color "bleed" going on. The fingers and parts of the hand of the glove are becoming splotchy, as the red dye is somehow coming off the synthetic leather. The gloves are probably 5 years old, but in good shape considering.

I haven't even worn through the palm on the top hand yet, so it's not like I'm looking to replace what have been my favorite gloves. It would cost me $150+ to get something comparable today I would imagine.

Just wondering if anyone knows of a solution to this issue? I tried calling Eagle, but they won't cover it since it was pre-Vaughn. I've heard about using inks and dyes, but not sure how or where to get what I need.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated.



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Maybe you bought them 5 years ago, however, the gloves are at least 9 years old from when they were built.

What you are seeing is what happens when gloves are kept in a sweaty hockey bag, or, the closed bag being left in the sun. The humidity inside the bag begins to effect the portofino material. From there, the shell material breaks down and basically becomes brittle. During play, you may not notice it, but, your gloves are probably slowly peeling from falling onto the ice, rubbing against the glass, etc.

This isn't a "pre-Vaughn" problem, this is a problem in the care for the product. If I were in your shoes, which thankfully I'm not, I'd spray paint them.

I appreciate the informative response. I always tried to keep them in a cool, dry place. In my basement near the dehumidifier. Guess it didn't work.

I don't mind recoloring them. They're going to be a backup pair at this point. I gotta get some new ones.

Are there spray paints that are good for this type of material?

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