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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shoulder pad sizing question

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Since I don't have a LHS readily available to get this question answered, I figured I'd turn to my favorite hockey site. I'm thinking about upgrading from my Easton S3 shoulder pads and want to make sure I've sized myself correctly as a large and don't need to upsize to XL on my next order. Attached is a photo, I'm around 6'2 215. Cheers!


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I don't know really, probably the sizing is OK, though I'd get a size bigger shoulders since looks like these are not covering your ribs completely :)

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From the picture, they look fine to me. As long as they don't ride up when you move your arms around and are nice and snug/flush you should be fine in a large. Different pads fit differently as you know.

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If you have a longer torso, most pads will feel short. I can never find pads that feel long enough to me.

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Thanks for your replies, everybody. I did end up ordering an XL since my ribs aren't completely covered by the Large size. I tried on a teammates XL Easton pads at my last game and it feels like I got a lot more coverage so it seems right. Cheers everyone

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