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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Joonas #6

Warrior Projekt pants

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I finally found a place where to get these pants in my country and I've been dying to give these a try for a long time.

Does anyone have these pants? Has anyone tried them? I'd like to hear your comments first before ordering.

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i dont know much about the projekts but i have the top of line warrior pant from the hustler line and im beyond pleased with them...comfortable, very free range of motion, well made, professional features...im assuming these characteristics carry over to the projekt line with minor sizing and anatomical difference...i believe the projekt is a narrower pant for instance

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Thanks for the reply. Do you know how the sizing goes with Warrior pants? I've never had them so I'm not sure if I should order medium or large. My current pants (CCM V08) are large.

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I believe the current models no longer require an upsize so you should probably go with Large, though they will be slightly longer than your V08s.

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Man, thanks a lot for that info! Decided to go with medium, because if large will be longer, they will be too long I'm afraid. Let's hope I can fit my fat ass in medium.

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