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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Looking for a downriver mi team

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I'm going to be looking for a team to join in the downriver area once I move and get situated there in the next few months. I'll be available 75 percent of the games due to my new work schedule. Prefer non Sundays as I'm likely to continue with my Sunday team in Rochester. If you don't have a spot I'd like a heads up on a good fun league around there. I'm good for c/d leagues

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bumping this because i know spring leagues are starting soon, still looking for a team that i can play for with less than a 45 minute drive =)

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That is the company that runs the adult league in Trenton and they are currently expanding into Southgate.

Al Z. who runs the league does a draft team every season. Most of those guys continue playing together the next season without Al's help.

Hope to see you out there!


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That is the company that runs the adult league in Trenton and they are currently expanding into Southgate.

Al Z. who runs the league does a draft team every season. Most of those guys continue playing together the next season without Al's help.

Hope to see you out there!


The problem I've found with this leagues is that they seem to be all Sundays between Trenton and sg, no variation of days. Looks like they have a Tuesday league this year in southgate though!

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