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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherwood Nexon 10 Shin Guards

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Looking at buying new shin guards and these fit right in my price range amd caught my eye. Problem is, no store is my area carries them, so I cannot see them before I buy.

Just wondering if anyone has any experience with these and can provide feedback. I play high level gents, and as a D, block a few shots so I am looking for a sturdy pair. I currently own a pair of Missions, but they are 10+ years old and in desparate need of retirement.


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I just bought a pair of these after my Projekts fell apart and I love them. Plenty of protection front and back. They're also way lighter than my Projekts and lock into my knee perfectly.

I usually play in B/C leagues and competitive tournaments and haven't had any issues with taking shots off of these. Hope this helps.

The strapping system on the N10 is way better than the Projekts IMO. My Projekt upper strap ripped in about 2 months where my N10's seem super durable. The Projekt straps are also overly large if you have small calves like myself. The N10 has the same style of strapping as the Projekts just not as much length.

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Love mine. Was wearing a basic pair before, though (some Crosby RBK pair that was on special).

They're a little heavier and a fair bit bigger than what I was wearing, but whereas my shins were hurting from every shot I blocked before, I barely feel anything now.

Great for the price, too.

They are probably most similar to the Warrior Projekts. It was either the Warriors or the Nexon's for me. I have huge calves and like the straps that come on shinguards, and the Sherwoods are perfect.

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