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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Totalone gloves palm issue.

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I have just used my total one gloves for the first time. After I took my gloves off my top hand was covered in what looks like blue ink.

Has this happened with anyone else or could these be a dud pair? It's come from the overlay on the palm, but I don't see why it would stain my hand.

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I have the same gloves, but haven't had any issues with dye bleeding at all. Just out of curiosity how old are your gloves? I realize that you said you just used them for the first time, but did you buy them a while ago and are just barely using them or did you just get them? I have the ones with the yellow liner (not blue) so I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it. Is it the top of your hand or your actual palm that has the discoloration? The palm has an overlay, but the part that touches your palm is the brown Nubuck so I'm not sure where the blue color would come from.

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That definitely sounds like you got a dud pair. I would contact whatever shop you got them from and see if they will do an exchange or if you have to go through Bauer for a warranty replacement. Mine have not had this problem to date. I looked inside of my glove and I don't see anywhere that there is color/dye leaking.

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