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Reebok 20k vs Bauer totalone nxg/nexus 1000 skates

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I currently wear 11k's but I'm thinking about getting a new pair this upcoming season. I've been wearing reeboks for the last 5 years so I don't know how the fit of different brands would compare. I would appreciate anyone who has experience with theses skates to help me out. Thanks.

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All three skates have a completely different fit from one another. Best bet is to try 'em out yourself if you can to see which fit your feet best.

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The 20k's are quite a bit different than the 11k's in my opinion...

20k has a much narrower heel and less volume than the 11k's, at least that was what I found. They're also a bit narrower feeling throughout the forefoot and toe box.

I had much better ankle lock in the 20k's, even without pump use than in the 11k's.

I found that the Nexus 1000 has roughly the same heel/ankle as the 11k, but a really narrow toe box and forefoot. Lots of volume in the Nexus too.

Best advice is from Andoy. Try em on and see what fits YOU the best.

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I had the first generation 9K's when they first came out, and loved them. Then when the 11K's came out I got a pair of those, as my 9K's were shot by that time. Never got comfortable in the 11K's, but was determined to give them time.

Finally I was convinced that I would never get used to them (two and a half years worth of hope, I also tried many other skates in the mean time), I started seriously shopping for skates.

Tried on everything on the wall in my size, starting with skates I knew I cannot wear: Vapors, U+ CL's, moved on to One.9's, Nexus 800. Eventually I slipped on the 20K's and was blown away how much more comfortable they are than anything I've tried on that day. Been in them for about a month plus, and must say, they are the best skate I have had on my feet, ever.

Take into consideration that I have worked/owned/managed hockey stores for 18 years, and have had many skates on my feet, including customs.

Take a trip out to a store, and try everything on in your size in a side-by-side comparison. Just be considerate and if you are going to a LHS, then by the skates there, don't waste their time and buy on-line. I did the opposite, went to HM, and bought at a LHS.

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