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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok 11k Helmet Micro Dial

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i got an 11k helmet in November , it was great appart from the micro dial was either the right fit for my head but would come undone if i moved my head to much, or to tight on my head that it would give me headaches.

but sunday i was playing with it and its like the dial broke after it was already ajusted to my head, so the helmet couldn't be resized

just wondering if anyone else had had problems with the micro dial on this helmet

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i got an 11k helmet in November , it was great appart from the micro dial was either the right fit for my head but would come undone if i moved my head to much, or to tight on my head that it would give me headaches.

but sunday i was playing with it and its like the dial broke after it was already ajusted to my head, so the helmet couldn't be resized

just wondering if anyone else had had problems with the micro dial on this helmet

As I understand it, they beefed up the quality of the micro dial on the 11ks to help with breaking. (Chronic problem on the 8ks). Generally the most common breaks with the dial are when they just spin, without clicking or actually moving the harness part that the dial is connected to. Obvious statement is go get it warranty exchanged at the shop you got it from since you are still within warranty. However, a new 11k wont solve the issue that the helmet probably doesnt fit you. I would suggest maybe looking at a different helmet all together.

If it fit you properly, the dial wouldnt be hurting your head or comming undone in the middle of a skate. Odds are you dont share the reebok head shape.

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I had the same thing happen to me with the micro dial coming undone during a skate. I went to the Bauer 7500 instead.

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I wore a Reebok 6K helmet for ages and never had any bother.yeah i was just thinking about seeing if it could just be swapped for another helmet.

interestingly though the micro dial has broke when it was adjusted to my head and it still fits on my head without being to loose or to tonight, had to use it last night

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