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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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DFW St Patty's Puck Drop

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NYTEX Sports Centre will be hosting an Adult Tournament over St. Patty's Weekend (March 15-17)

Fee: $875 Fee drops to $800 if paid in full by Feb 22. $400 deposit due by Feb 22, remaining $475 due Mar 8

4 -game guarantee with beer specials in the bar/restuarant all weekend

**We plan to NOT play Saturday evening so any out of town teams that would like to attend the Stars game have the option to do so***

Divisions: (capped at 6 teams/divsion)

Greenhorn (I-league)

Novice (Starscenter D2/NYTEX Division 3)

Intermediate (Starscenter High D/Low C / NYTEX Division 2)

If you would like to sign your team up or have any questions, please feel free to respond here, message me, or shoot me an email.



NYTEX Hockey Coordinator


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