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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What curve(s) do you use AND why?

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Let me begin by saying I currently have 7 playable sticks. Every stick has a different curve. Since injury put an end to my career in Juniors, I refuse to spend over $120 on a stick and honestly, i dont see a performance jump from say the Reebok 20k at $250 from the 16k at $100 except for stick weight. Ill start with my current stick of choice

1. **Warrior Dolomite Dragon (Toews pro stock) equal to P36 or Spezza curve in Reebok** heel with a slightly open face

2. Warrior Dolomite Dragon (Sakic model curve)

3. Warrior Kronik (Smyth curve) big mid hook

4. Warrior KGB (Kremlin curve) Ovechkin Pro stock mold. Too hard to explain curve

5. Bauer Vapor X60 (P106 Gagne) mid heel with square to closed face

6. Mission Titanium (Hossa pro stock) big toe curve

7. Easton Stealth original (Lidstrom) Heel curve, open face, square toe.

Now to the point I'm trying to make... If you haven't noticed, every time I buy a new stick, I get a different curve to try. After about 3 shots with a stick and minor technique adjustments, I am just as accurate, just as powerful of a shot with any curve you give me. A lot of my teammates will ask how I hit the net with such wicked/ wacky curves and honestly to me, shooting is easy with any curve. I do prefer the Toews or Sakic type curve for stick handling/ passing/ sauce passing but I can't say there is any curve that out performs another when it comes to shooting... Unless I just haven't found it yet. Easton's new E28 curve is one that I have been looking for forever- maybe that is the one but so far it is only available in the $250 sticks. I don't understand why some guys are so anal about using a certain curve constantly. I guess if I had to pick 1 curve to use all the time it would be a mix between the Smyth and Sakic BECAUSE I like the feel of cupping the puck on my favorite type of shot (pull wrist shot) and it is easier to elevate backhands than the heel curves.

What curve do you guys use, and what is the biggest reason why??

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