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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wheel size in Vanguard Magnesium chassis

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I have a pair of '08 Mission Boss skates, and I was wondering if the 76-76-80-80 wheel setup was the only and/or optimal setup for those skates/chassis. I have a set of wheels I purchased for my old skates, but never got around to using before upgrading. They made use of a 72-72-80-80 setup. Would that 4mm difference make any difference at all, good or bad?

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It may pull one of your wheels off the floor, causing a rocker. Though that may not be possible; I'm too tired to think that hard.

If you can't return the wheels just throw them on the chassis and skate with them. For all you know you may like it more. I highly doubt you'll damage anything.

76/76/80/80 is defenitely the optimal setup though, to answer your question. The pitch of the chassis is built to match the height differences of those sizes.

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In fact, it's only a 2mm difference off the ground as the radius is applied instead of the diameter, however, you can use them but you'll feel the difference, what I would do is to have 80-80-76-72 instead of 80-80-76-76/80-80-72-72. in that setup, the skates won't feel too awkward, you'll just be able to turn really really quickly. But I have serious doubts about putting 80-80-72-72 on a vanguard frame.

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Thanks a lot guys! I'm gonna give both setups a try. Not gonna lie though, I'm intrigued by the 80-80-76-72. I've been skating on Missions my whole roller career, going back to the old VS's, but this is my first attempt at wheel configuration alchemy. Any other suggestions/off the wall setups will be greatly appreciated.

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One other combination you can try is 72-72-76-76. This would give you the same 4mm difference as the 76-80 set up... The down side is you may loose some top end speed with the smaller diameter wheels. You could compensate for that by going with a slightly harder wheel. However, I would try to stick with the 76-80 combination ... it would give you the best overall performance.

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