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Summer hockey in Saskatoon?

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I might be moving to Saskatoon soon for a while, and I was wondering if there is such a thing as summer hockey league in the area?


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Such a thing as summer hockey in Canada? Haha you don't have to worry about that, you'll have a harder time picking what league to join! Now I'm not from Saskatchewan but I'm sure there is an ASHL league out there. Probably the most common mens league across Canada and some of the States, just hit up their website and take a look/follow the instructions and I'm sure you'll find something you're looking for. Try searching for Canlan Ice Sports or ASHL on google and something should come up!

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Such a thing as summer hockey in Canada? Haha you don't have to worry about that, you'll have a harder time picking what league to join! Now I'm not from Saskatchewan but I'm sure there is an ASHL league out there. Probably the most common mens league across Canada and some of the States, just hit up their website and take a look/follow the instructions and I'm sure you'll find something you're looking for. Try searching for Canlan Ice Sports or ASHL on google and something should come up!

Thanks bigdmac! Actually I ask because when I was living in Sweden, I noticed it was actually not so easy to find open rinks in summer. There it is mostly considered a winter sport and many of the rinks close down in summer. Athlets then choose to go to the gym or other outdoor activities.

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