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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior Koncept Pants. (these or bauer one80)

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Not a whole lot seems to be said on the forums about the Warrior Koncept pants, so from those who have seen, worn, or tried them on, what's the fit like? Anything good or bad about them? Review? I've narrowed my choices to between these and the Bauer one80 pants, so looking for opinions before i make a purchase. And having next to no info about the koncept's, i am reaching out to the forums here. Any help or insight would be appreciated.

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In terms of fit, the biggest difference is the canting. While the Supreme line features their traditionally 'tubular' width, wrap and neutral canting, the Koncepts are part of Warrior's take on a highly specialized forward canting pant. Aside from feeling more natural and mobile when hunched forward, the height, shape and angling of both the kidney and spine panels are likewise specialized. You should notice high kidney guards and a very high spine guard, which is designed to provide optimum coverage when leaning forward as it 'follows' the lower torso and back. The Supreme design sits neutrally, more 'upright' in the sense that upon leaning forward, there should be more of a gap between your lower spine/kidneys and the respective sections of pant.

In terms of overall protection, I find the One80 is definitely a step up. The foams and padding are more substantial (denser, thicker) in the One80s, whereas the kidney and spine protection is pretty thin. The Koncepts, however, as outlined above, make up for this by providing better coverage, especially in that forward leaning stance.

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