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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXX (or: The Price Of Hockey)

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you talk about the prices in north america

look at the prices in europe/germany

the normal price for the stealth in germany is:

400.00 EUR = 532.420 USD

an si-core grip :

320.00 EUR = 426.028 USD

Vapor XX skate:

649.00 EUR = 863.734 USD

so...what would you say to the parents of

the kids in europe/germany? :D

Buy Busch and Graf!

busch and graf is expensive,too,

For an Busch Laser you pay here

the same like for an syNergy si-core

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you talk about the prices in north america

look at the prices in europe/germany

the normal price for the stealth in germany is:

400.00 EUR = 532.420 USD

an si-core grip :

320.00 EUR = 426.028 USD

Vapor XX skate:

649.00 EUR = 863.734 USD

so...what would you say to the parents of

the kids in europe/germany? :D

Buy Busch and Graf!

busch and graf is expensive,too,

For an Busch Laser you pay here

the same like for an syNergy si-core

That's not completely true.

In my LHS the XX-Stick f.e. is about 280 EUR and the Busch Balance/GoldLine/Laser etc. OPS's are about 190 Eur.

But you don't have to pay that money...!

I got my Busch Balance for about 100 EUR, and my V12-Skates last year for 350 EUR (the labeled price was 629 EUR) !!!

So, the prices in germany are not as good as in the US, but not sooooo bad, cos you normaly don't have to pay the labeled Price !

You probably don't get the same prices, i got, but something about 130 EUR for a Busch OPS, 400 EUR for a Vapor XX/V12-Skate and about 200-230 EUR for OPS's like Si-Core, Response, Vapor XX etc. are realistic, i think !!!

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you talk about the prices in north america

look at the prices in europe/germany

the normal price for the stealth in germany is:

400.00 EUR = 532.420 USD

an si-core grip :

320.00 EUR = 426.028 USD

Vapor XX skate:

649.00 EUR = 863.734 USD

so...what would you say to the parents of

the kids in europe/germany? :D

Buy Busch and Graf!

busch and graf is expensive,too,

For an Busch Laser you pay here

the same like for an syNergy si-core

That's not completely true.

In my LHS the XX-Stick f.e. is about 280 EUR and the Busch Balance/GoldLine/Laser etc. OPS's are about 190 Eur.

But you don't have to pay that money...!

I got my Busch Balance for about 100 EUR, and my V12-Skates last year for 350 EUR (the labeled price was 629 EUR) !!!

So, the prices in germany are not as good as in the US, but not sooooo bad, cos you normaly don't have to pay the labeled Price !

You probably don't get the same prices, i got, but something about 130 EUR for a Busch OPS, 400 EUR for a Vapor XX/V12-Skate and about 200-230 EUR for OPS's like Si-Core, Response, Vapor XX etc. are realistic, i think !!!

you're right but what I itemize are the non-binding price recommendation [?!] from the manufacters...

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It's funny, as my sticks and skates need to be replaced, I'm desperately looking for older, decent shape equipment. I've always used Easton sticks, and I've noticed the Ultra Lite and Z-Bubble that I bought 4 years ago are still going strong, but the 2 Z-Bubbles I've bought since then have disintigrated after a few months. I'd give up a few more grams added to the stick, if it'll last more than 20 games. With everything trying to be light as possible, the quality is just not there.

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you talk about the prices in north america

look at the prices in europe/germany

the normal price for the stealth in germany is:

400.00 EUR = 532.420 USD

an si-core grip :

320.00 EUR = 426.028 USD

Vapor XX skate:

649.00 EUR = 863.734 USD

so...what would you say to the parents of

the kids in europe/germany? :D

We had a couple kids from europe come to our store and they bought everything they could. They couldnt believe the prices, and each bought a pair of XXs and a pair for some friends back home.

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But then again, in the words of Murphy, "it's immoral to let a fool keep his money."

Thanks for the plug...but I have a patent on that phase... The licensing fee is $10.00

Please send Cheque to Hoof Hearted c/o JR Did :P

Ok back on topic...

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