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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Replacing some sticks

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I'm almost through my last two Eq40 85 flex Getzlaf sticks and need to stock up on a couple more for spring/summer leagues and tournaments. I'd like to stick with the same curve, flex, and Easton since that's pretty much all I ever use except for the occasional Sher-wood.

Pretty much what I'm looking for since these are kind of scarce (except for Ebay which I don't trust for sticks) is another Easton that should play somewhat the same. I know everyone always says to go to your LHS and look but no one in my area carries this curve. Any suggestions?

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I found a pair of CCM U+10 sticks in 85 flex with the Burns curve on monkey for pretty cheap. Anyone have any positive or negative things to say about these sticks?

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They're a little on the heavy side but other than that they're not bad, especially if you can pick them up cheap. I also use the getzlaf curve and never have a problem finding sticks.

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