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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Baking Roller Hockey Skates

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I just got back into playing hockey after my 14 yr off season. I purchased some new Eason z-air inlines for very cheap, I played with them for the first time lastnight and got a pretty nice blister on my inside heel. I was doing some research online and came across quite a few articles about "baking". My main question is are Easton z-airs able to be baked and if so, how long on each skate at what temp? I doubt I have access to a pro shop that does it(its hard enough to find equiptment, let alone someone that knows about it) so I will prob have to do it myself

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Its never reccomened that you do that at your house but somtimes thats the only way. Ideally you would bring them to a lhs or rink pro shop and they could do them for you. Where are you located? Maybe we can find you a shop around you. Other option is to simply wear them while watching tv or however you spend your free time. I always like to lace my new skates up and sit down for a few hours, the heat from your foot does the job and helps break them in. There are steps to cook them at home but thats a last choice.

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