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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok 10k ABS Blade (Bad blade or new design)

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I noticed when purchasing two Reebok 10k ABS blades that InlineWarehouse states "This blade design dates back to the popular Koho Ultimate 2100 blade with modern improvements in materials and construction". I initially thought it was the usual marketing junk, and that the blade probably wouldn't be any lighter or stiffer.

It didn't even make it through one outdoor pickup game before the tenon snapped off inside the shaft while passing the puck. It could be lemon, but it does look like the wood portion of the blade is made out of some sort of compacted recycled wood material. Anyone have a similar issue yet or know if these are the "improvements" mentioned above?



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Ive been using Reebok blades now for three years and they've been using that description for them ever since. Sounds like you just got a lemon...but I haven't cut open my old 2K blades to see if they're like this. They always looked like solid pieces of wood, based on how the chunked and chipped off from slashes, etc.

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I had the exact same problem with the same blade. I just used it outside for street hockey/stickhandling and messing around with friends but, It did not last long at all.

I flexed it while stick handling with it with a friend one day and the blade snapped right off, in the exact same place yours broke. I had only had it for like a month and used it maybe 10 times, never in a game-like situation (I play indoor on sport court and use composite sticks).

I got a ccm crossover blade for screwing around with outside and It seems to be of much more solid construction and to be of higher quality. Iv only used it a few times sense I got it but iv had no problems at all with it. I would recommend it.

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CCM or the old Koho Crossover were tanks... they were really good ABS blades, and retained stiffness even as the blade wore down.

The downside was that it was a little heavy.

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I noticed when purchasing two Reebok 10k ABS blades that InlineWarehouse states "This blade design dates back to the popular Koho Ultimate 2100 blade with modern improvements in materials and construction". I initially thought it was the usual marketing junk, and that the blade probably wouldn't be any lighter or stiffer.

It didn't even make it through one outdoor pickup game before the tenon snapped off inside the shaft while passing the puck. It could be lemon, but it does look like the wood portion of the blade is made out of some sort of compacted recycled wood material. Anyone have a similar issue yet or know if these are the "improvements" mentioned above?



I have a question about the curve, is it more like the Jagr / C2100 curve like found on the old Crossover/Revolution sticks? The P38 (Datsyuk) looks a lot like the Jagr curve based off Ice Warehouse's photos.

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