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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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what girdle?

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ive been waiting 4 weeks now for the ALKALI ca9 girdle to arrive in to my local retailer that i had on order - today i got a call to say it still aint available in the UK only the ca5, pretty annoyed so gona cancel my order and choose a diff girdle - question is which one? i liked the ALKALI design of a tight fit so looking for summet close to it, whats would you guys recommend? i like the look of the tour 70bx??

wouldnt mind i bought a pair of alkali ca4 skates couple week back only took 5 days - 4 weeks and still nothin is a joke.

thanks in advance for any advice!


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I would still go for a ca5. I have it and I love it, best roller girdle out no question.

If you really want something else that is similar take a look at the shock doctor padded compression shorts. Or a football girdle or even baseball sliding shorts.

I would recommend the ca5 over all of those though as it is the lightest weight and is designed for roller hockey

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I use the Farrell 5 Pad compression shorts pictured above for refereeing and they're tight, light and very mobile. They won't be as protective as some girdles, but seem like they'd be similar to the Alkali concept, but much cheaper since they're being cleared out on a few sites online for around $20 (I picked mine up on eBay, but noticed them on hockeymonkey and amazon.com as well).

Another option is the Valken V-Elite girdle. It's well ventilated, mobile, form fitting and offers more lower back and hip protection than the Farrells or Akalis. Now, it's not as protective as my Warrior Projekt ice girdle, but it's much lighter and breathes better - for me, it's enough protection for roller. The only issue I've had with the Valken is the stitching at the top came loose, but I had that restitched two roller seasons ago and it's been fine ever since. I picked this up at Hockeytron with a 40% off code (I see these regularly for this product via their emails and facebook postings). Here's a video from IW on the Valken V-Elite:

Here's the hockeytron page for the V-Elite. If you wait for a 40% off coupon code you can grab it for about $35 + shipping. Of course shipping to the UK may make it too expensive (I know shipping to Canada has gone up significantly on hockeytron since I bought mine): http://www.hockeytron.com/4vlk.html#.UV7y2F9zaUk

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cheers guys, im going to pick up a ca5 girdle i think then, not what i wanted but supose it will do.

cheers for the links too mate

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Sorry for your frustration, but we sold out of the CA9 girdle faster than we ever thought. We are in the process of finalizing our 2014 girdles, so that is why we don't have more stock of the CA9 girdle. We should have the new girdles by the end of summer.

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The one that althoma uses for reffing is the same one I bought on ebay for 10 bucks + shipping. Good compression fit, and adouble layer in front so you can put a jock in. I've been using this for rec ice skating as I've been trying to start ice hockey, and also for my indoor soccer league. I play in goals for my soccer league and these have been very good at proteting the tailbone and hip as I dive a lot.

The concept is very close to the alkali design, using the farrell square foam blocks in the same areas that is seen in the alkali girdle.

I've thought about using this for inline hockey, but have got a mission thorax wrap that works well for me.

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thanks for all the replys guys, ive bought the ca5 for now - looking forward to seeing the new girdles justin supose i could always upgrade later on.

cheers again,


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