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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Need to improve speed this summer - any tips?

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1. I would suggest booking time on a skating treadmill if there is one near you.

Sorry to bring up an older thread, but I'm not familiar with the skating treadmill. Is this a specially-designed treadmill or just a way of training on a treadmill to improve skating?

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One of the best pieces of equipment you can have for improving speed and skating power is a russian box. You can reach more here... http://www.tpfitness.com/products/russian-box/

Also, if you'd like to learn more about using plyometrics to increase speed I'd suggest reading every Jack Blatherwick article you can get your hands on. He is basically the American guru of dry land training. Most recently he was the physiologist for the Washington Capitals. Many years back Herb Brooks told me he thought Jack was one of the most brilliant hockey minds in America. Below is a link to his book on overspeed skill training. If you follow his process, you WILL get faster...significantly.


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